Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hints-The Einstein Code Part II:

Here I go:
(Starting bottom clockwise)
In London lies a Pope, a Knight interred;
His labour's fruit a Holy wrath incurred.
The Building(your answer)'s flag.
Also flown on following occasions:
1.The sovereign's official birthday.
2.The Foundation Day.
Let me think... I wonder if an anvil will drop like an apple?

Give away- ANAGRAM.
The answer as many of you got is - Westminster Abbey (LONDON). It is the place where Newton's 'buried'.
1.PIC1- The grave.These are the words used as a code for newton's grave(Courtesy: The Da Vinci Code)
2.PIC2-The Abbey flag.
3.PIC3-Newton's last words.
CRACKERS: Hardeep Singh, Ujjawal Goel(again), Amit the Bakarlord


Amit... said...
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Abhinav Duggal said...

Thanks a lot for your comments dude...Yeah I surely will

Abhinav Duggal said...

Sorry man..Just lemme hide your answer for a while...Let others pour in their minds as well..Though, I would say your answer's right and its too early for the right one to be revealed...Hope you don't mind..

Amit... said...

i never mind...

Harry said...

hey!!!got the ans to the code...great work AD.....really served as a good googling

but neways.....looking forward to the next part....keep them coming...

Abhinav Duggal said...

@Hardeep(THE WINNER):
Well, I have already got three winners...Actually, I left a loophole(the flag). Anyways, thanx dude for the compliments. Here's the chocolate winner.

Amit... said...

You sure you haven't ended the Einstein Quest ?

Abhinav Duggal said...

Sry dude...was a bit busy off late...So, couldn't get time to create a puzzle...I ll put the next part on tomorrow...and it carries a big surprise...